US Patents Held
Patent PDF
Martin Sala's Rear-Vision System from 1995
Jun. 14, 2011
Engine Exhaust Gas Reactor
Pub. No.: US 2010/0316882 A1
Pub. Date: Dec. 16, 2010
Nanomaterial Generator in Atmosphere
Apparatus for synthesis
Inventions that were not Patented, but Used to Solve a Problem
Coefficient of Friction, Twist Method
National Ignition Facility (NIF) and Star Trek
The square-shaped piece of glass in this image is made from High Purity Fused Silica (HPFS) seen in-the-raw below. If you've ever used a LASER pointer, it's beam diameter is about 0.125" across. The NIF LASER beams are 18" across and so intense that even a 0.5µ spot will cause the 3" thick lens/ optic to explode! Martin Sala designed, built, tested and deployed a Scanning LASER Interferometer that located these imperfections, generated a map, and then allowed technicians to "mine" optically pure glass from a boule as seen below.
The factory was having difficulty delivering the quality of glass required by NIF and Martin's contribution made NIF and Star Trek possible!
Using ultrasonic techniques and Fourier-techniques, a "displacement" map was abel to be created, showing the operators where, and how much, the glass was bowing. An additional feature was an ability to sense "missing" flow and gross defects defining a catastrophic failure in the draw, and a rough (within 50°C) of temperature.
In 1991 I developed to the point of submitting an application for US Patent for a machine that delivered facsimiles in a sealed envelope and addressed with the recipient's name.
A fax would arrive and if to be a "private fax" address data from the cover-sheet was printed on the front of an envelope. The fax was then "stuffed" into the envelope, was sealed and delivered to the outside world.
But think of it: Nobody could read your fax without violating physical security means!